Frequently Asked Questions
What is CHC?
Community and Health Center (CHC) is a non-profit NGO dedicated to providing resources and services to the African community, Kanye, Botswana. We provide health and wellness services, drug and alcohol prevention and treatment referrals, counseling, community activities and essential services for the youth, elderly and impoverished in the community.
How does CHC provide services and resources to the Kanye, Botswana community?
We operate on generous referrals and support from donors like you. Your donations provide resources and services that help to better the quality of life and health for members of the Kanye, Botswana community. We have a board of trustees located in Botswana to delegate the services and resources to the community.
CHC is an NGO. What’s the difference between an NGO and a non-profit?
The term "non-governmental organization” or NGO refers to a charitable nonprofit that operates outside of the US. An NGO is independent from government influence and is not organized for personal profit.
CHC is a 501(c)(3) organization. What is that?
A 501(c)(3) is an IRS approved non-profit organization. The organization is a tax-exempt, charitable organization with a mission. Donations made to CHC are tax deductible.
How are the donations going to be used?
$1.00- $5.00 supports books & supplies for pre school children
$10.00 supports ongoing support for Community & Health Center
$ 50.00-$70.00 supports programs for 5 youth
$70.00- $100.00 Supports programs for senior citizens
$100.00- $250 Supports learning programs for 5 preschool children
$250-$500.00 Supports Onsite day care programs for 5 handicapped children and youth
$500.00+ Supports Outpatient Drug and Alcohol Care for 5 individuals
Where is Kanye?
Kanye is semi urban town in Southern Botswana
Which payment methods are accepted?